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As Thankful As They Come

Updated: May 13, 2019

In everything, give thanks.

Photo cred: AJ Garcia

~In everything, give thanks.



It is the one word that comes to mind when asked to describe our profession; a profession in which we support children, adults, and each other with little to no compensation.

It is also the one word that resonated with me when envisioning the "why" behind what came to fruition-Trinity Elite Education & Co.

And our motto? "Think Change. Lead Change."

So when it came to discussing a possible blog, "Just Because" seemed to be the most fitting name to give it. It has been, after all, the reason why we do what we do- from supporting those in the education field, to guiding parents along the way, to the countless giveaways and donations, and partnering up with local businesses to simply give back as our way of saying, "THANK YOU for all that you do and continue to do in support of kiddos". All of this-just because.

The reason behind this blog is no different.

But if you're looking for a typical educational blog, you won't find it here. You'll find more. You'll find posts dealing with education, leadership, team building, how to make life a little easier with technology, parenting tips, a mediocre attempt of imitating Martha Stewart's craftiness, cooking recipes from my grandmother's kitchen and other great cooks, lifestyle tips that lead to finding balance, and a little inspiration along the way.

I personally have been inspired by each and every one of you who continuously show support for Trinity Elite Education & Co. In these three short months, I have noticed every single like, share, tag, story, comment and POSITIVE VIBES that fill our place in the social media world.

So thank you.

Thank you for making all of what we do possible. Thank you for supporting change and making a difference. Thank you for letting me and all those behind Trinity Elite Education & Co. come into your schools, offices, homes and lives.

Thank you for your hearts of servitude.

Here's to change and servitude!

Your #1 fan,

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